Before signing up for a business account with Higlobe, please note that we currently cannot accept business accounts if more than one owner holds over 25% of the shares. We're working on adding support for multi-owner accounts in the future. For now, if your business has multiple owners, we can only register it as a personal account.
If you need any further assistance, our Support team is available during business hours in Mexico (GMT-6) and Brazil (GMT-3) from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday to Friday via Live Chat or by email at
Steps to Sign Up as a Business Account:
- Visit our sign-up page or use a referral link from a friend.
- Follow the instructions and select "Single Owner Company" when prompted.
3. Provide your business information:
- The required documents may vary by country. For Mexico, you'll need to submit your RFC and Acta Constitutiva. In Brazil, you’ll need to provide your CNPJ and Contrato Social.
4. Sign the attestation to confirm that all the information provided is accurate.
Once submitted, our team will review your information within 5 business days. Keep an eye on your email or WhatsApp for updates.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. I am an MEI (Individual Microentrepreneur), what document should I submit as "Contrato Social"?
Submit your Certificate of Microentrepreneur Individual Condition (CCMEI). This document serves as proof of your business registration.
2. What document should I submit as the Contrato Social?
You need to upload the document available from the Junta Comercial of your state. If you are unsure how to obtain this document, we recommend consulting with your accountant.
3. What documents are not accepted as a valid Contrato Social?
- Screenshots of webpages about your business
- Account statements from other institutions
- Personal documents of the owner/shareholder
- Government-invalidated documents
- Any documents, photos, or files other than the actual Contrato Social.
4. I represent a non-profit foundation. Can I receive donations through Higlobe?
No, unfortunately, Higlobe services cannot be used to receive donations by charitable or non-profit organizations at this time.
5. My "Contrato Social" has amendments. How can I share it with you?
If your "Contrato Social" has amendments, you can easily upload the updated document. Here’s how:
- On your Dashboard, click on your initials in the top-right corner of the screen. Select "Upload Documents" from the menu.
2. Once uploaded, we recommend notifying our Support team to let them know that you've submitted additional information.
6. I entered incorrect information during registration. How do I edit it?
If you've made an error during registration, you can update your account information by following the instructions in this article: How to Update Your Higlobe Account Information.
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